Center for Student Athletes is a design proposal to replace the outdated Case Academic Center on NCSU central campus. The overarching goal of the project is to enhance the academic, nutritional, personal, and professional development of student-athletes at NC State University.

The design program includes athlete-wellness facilities such as Kitchen, Dining, Nutritionist and Psychologist Offices; Learning and Tutorial spaces such as Computer labs and Classrooms; Common spaces such as Basketball court, Workout spaces, Media rooms and Lounges


1. Case Academic Center
2. Talley Student Union

3. Reynolds Coliseum
4. Coliseum Parking Deck

5. Carmichael Gym
6. Softball Court

7. Soccer Field
8. College of Design


The design aims to fit well into the site context and compliment the functions and aesthetics of the neighbouring buildings that hold school’s historical signifance such as the Reynold’s Coliseum as well as the new structures such as the Talley Student Union and the new Carmichael Gymnasium.

In order to achieve a seamless transition, the facade incorporates Terracotta panels and
Curtain walls that exhibit an eclectic approach in efforts to strike a visual balance between the traditional exposed brick facades in NCSU and the modern architectural elements

Current pedestrian traffic circulating around the site to move to and from the North Campus. Moving back the Student Athletes Center to align with the Reynold’s Coliseum to activate the street and enable visibility

Subtracting the form through two angular planes to create a funnel effect that opens up the street further and attract the pedestrian traffic toward the Student Athlete Center

Introducing a still water body in front to guide the pedestrians circulation towards the building. Extending form to accommodate Basketball court and other facilities.

Diverting and accommodating the pedestrian traffic through the Students Athlete Center with the help of a central atrium inbetween the two building blocks that holds all the facilities.